Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I have been thinking for the last few weeks about what I should make as my NYR. I don't really like to make them because I never keep them anyway! Of course the one I make every year is to lose weight, but that's an life long process so I guess it doesn't really count. Then I decided to make one to drink more water. Maybe for once I will actually keep my NYR! I drink about 10 cups of coffee per day, so I am going to try to cut it down to like ohhhh 8 or 9 and mix in a couple of bottles of water here and there.

So pondering this thought this morning, I decided that my NYR is going to be to try to enjoy life more. I think a lot of times, we get so bogged down with our daily routines that we forget to enjoy ourselves. We only live this life once and we need to make the best of it! Even if that means skipping the gym to grab a drink with a friend, or ordering the quesadilla instead of a salad, or buying that expensive dress even though you have no where to wear it! As my wise friend Jenny once said "Life is short – need to enjoy it. Looking back at your life you are not going to remember your workouts. You remember your good times with your loved ones."

So please remember life is a gift. Have fun, stay positive, and enjoy your life and your loved ones as much as possible!

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