Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Why do people walk around with yellow teeth? I ask myself this everyday. It's not the 90's anymore, there's plenty of great, cheap teeth whiteners out there.

I think it is disgusting when people don't take care of their mouths. Like, do you not realize you have dragon breath! And anyone within 3 feet can smell your nasty mouth. I wish that people would take more care of their teeth, it doesn't take that much effort. Brush at least 2x per day, floss 1x per day and throw some whitening strips on every once in while. Is that too much to ask?!?!?

So let's take a stand against dirty mouths! Every time you come across someone with bad mouth, offer them a piece of gum, recommend a great toothpaste or mouthwash, and drop a few lines about the importance of flossing. Hopefully they will get the hint!

Urban Honey for a clean mouthed America. This blog and it's readers must stand for something! Next step- Goodwill Ambassador!

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